Oxygen – Don’t Hold Your Breath
Don’t hold your breath, you may be stopping life’s unstoppable wish to see you through. So much more than an…
Skin – A Love Poem
This is a love poem. Thank you for taking care of me. Skin – a love poem. Exposed but…
Horizons – A Poem About Gratitude
This is a poem about gratitude. I am grateful for all the people who’ve been with me all along. …
Held – A Short Story
Through harsh winds, and pelted by cruel hailstones, she went to get into her car to drive to work. She…
Validation and Empathy – Two Powerful Relationship Tools
No, doubt, validation are among the cornerstones of love. In relationships, validating each other’s feelings is one of the…
The Inevitability of Growth
Life challenges with through the inevitability of growth, the power too great to resist. Irresistible Forces Such is the…
Just Be Yourself!
Don’t try an be like everyone else. Just be yourself instead because you’re here for a reason and you’re always…
Mental Health Awareness Facts
Though probably just as important if not even more important than physical health, mental health issues are only getting highlighted…
Light follows Darkness
If you’re in a dark place, remember, light follows darkness. The night covers the earth with inescapable darkness, Only to…
Overcoming Negative Thought Patterns
It’s easy to fall into negative thought patterns. Many people entertain negative internal dialogue, some without even realising it. Bottom…