• Oxygen – Don’t Hold Your Breath

    Don’t hold your breath, you may be stopping life’s unstoppable wish to see you through. So much more than an…

  • Skin – A Love Poem

    This is a love poem. Thank you for taking care of me. Skin – a love poem.   Exposed but…

  • Horizons – A Poem About Gratitude

    This is a poem about gratitude. I am grateful for all the people who’ve been with me all along.   …

  • Held – A Short Story

    Through harsh winds, and pelted by cruel hailstones, she went to get into her car to drive to work. She…

  • Validation and Empathy – Two Powerful Relationship Tools

      No, doubt, validation are among the cornerstones of love. In relationships, validating each other’s feelings is one of the…

  • The Inevitability of Growth

    Life challenges with through the inevitability of growth, the power too great to resist.  Irresistible Forces   Such is the…

  • Just Be Yourself!

    Don’t try an be like everyone else. Just be yourself instead because you’re here for a reason and you’re always…

  • Mental Health Awareness Facts

    Though probably just as important if not even more important than physical health, mental health issues are only getting highlighted…

  • Light follows Darkness

    If you’re in a dark place, remember, light follows darkness. The night covers the earth with inescapable darkness, Only to…

  • Overcoming Negative Thought Patterns

    It’s easy to fall into negative thought patterns. Many people entertain negative internal dialogue, some without even realising it. Bottom…