Art Poem – Injection of Colour

This is my art poem, Injection of Colour. Replacing thoughts and words with colour helps to me calm down.

Injection of Colour

Black bones aching on no-dawn-day, he took out his dried up paintbrush to paint his sorrows bubblegum, his tears butterscotch. His reference – a paint brochure slid through his letterbox a few days before. Eyes gliding across the pages, he mused about the colour of his terror, eventually settling on canary or what he would have called dirty yellow. 

Grape was heartbreak and stone his restless mind, charcoal the disdain he felt when pondering the bullish behaviour of some of his workmates. His rag wasn’t red, pickle more irksome, and her kisses were always jam. 

Rough brush strokes gritted his hair rust, his face porcelain, his bones spider. With a delicate, real-hair brush, he drew silver shadows leaving only his heart and mind transparent, transient as they were. Today raven, tomorrow ruby, the next day azure, who knows.

As the page drowned in brick and apple and slate and squash and dandelion and parmesan, words and thoughts passed over, spanning nothing but a cardinal rainbow.

Art Poem – Injection of Colour

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