Incarnations - Being Human Poem

Being Human Poem – Incarnations

Incarnations is a being human poem, a reflection on our existence juxtaposed with the life of other beings. What would your favourite incarnation be?

Incarnations – Being Human Poem

Sometimes in her sleep,
she’d be a parrot again
and flying frankly
like when the sun, burnt
or the rain wouldn’t let up.

Sometimes, she’d read
him slithering through
wet grass beside her
and see the slimy circles
gritting his body
the same as hers.

In the mornings, she’d make
him, tell her,
over and again
how they no longer
could take to the clouds or the soil
and how now

she had flesh
no feather robe
nor the pliability to bend
around muck.
But what
to do

this time?

  1. This is such a nice, sane poem, and a very accessible read. It evokes hope, and invites one to be…

  2. See All Poetry for a message I just sent you. Its just the Poetry Cooperative website that is jammed and…

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