I don't need new things0
I need re-inventing which
My sister deems impossible
My friend saw her ex do.
Reinvent: overnight / as if
No distance existed
Between a full moon and the new
Overnight, blanket of a trillion snowflakes
Covered up spots but
Dull coverage won't fix my face.
I don't possess your kind of beauty
The pulsating kind
I have birds nesting in my hair
And moths dimming the light
You cannot swish them away
They keep coming back
Which would have left me
Tied once more
Only my mornings
Reinvented the air, the road, the love
began defrosting
The half-truths, the cobwebs, the muck.
And what my heart has held
Rose never to be boxed again
What / who is for me
Is for me
Thank you.
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