Gaps and Holes – a poem about life, explores the value of imperfections, while discussing how cracks can herald new beginnings.
Though water was seeping through the crack in the wall,
He didn’t want to take a look,
afraid of bad news, more than likely.
Instead, he chose an iron stare.
Even contemplating a quick glance at the hole
sent panic through his veins.
Terrified, he was, in fact.
Petrified that he’d find himself
defenseless and naked
in the face of the crack.
So, he didn’t go there,
not today, not yesterday
nor would he do so tomorrow.
That’s why his socks were always wet,
though he was used to it by now.
He did get a lot of colds all the same.
And so he remained,
wet socks, the skin peeling off his toes.
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