landscape poem

Landscape Poem – Boluisce

Boluisce is a landscape poem, a celebration of how some landscapes are so beautiful that they open and embrace all at once. And the soil, trees, and sky gather.


Boluisce – Landscape Poem


Here, the earth is wed to the sky, longer reeds run, and petals
colour the wind. Circling a marriage of soil and hail, the ground is
caving around your fingers and clutching stones
sharp enough to slice an apple for supper. The air 
spreads a velvet robe on your skin,
stoking stalks and leaves
as she wipes cement from your face.

Here, flower beds bulge, and Hori Hori
sleeps. Cruising with a mouse and a fox, she 
cloaks your shoulders and weighs feathers,
plum enough to crown a baby’s head and make her laugh.
Inside, she’s blossoming,
outside, she kisses your temples,
stroking frogs and fairies
as she kneads your fire.

And now,
we’re woven into a blanket of sun-lit fog,
we’re bedding on the lake
under a bunch of cotton buds.

  1. This is such a nice, sane poem, and a very accessible read. It evokes hope, and invites one to be…

  2. See All Poetry for a message I just sent you. Its just the Poetry Cooperative website that is jammed and…

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