The Stockbroker is a poem about life’s journey, reflecting on how we invest our time and efforts.
The Stockbroker
0This was his first venture onto the stock market floor for a keen investor eager to see him make a profit on 87 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 27 minutes, and 3 seconds – no further instructions or indications of preferences. The coin lack of data added insecurity to a free pass on a nervous market / crowded with herds of nerd brokers soon to be sucked into the eye of market bloodlust.
Unsure-footed, he took a deep breath to fill his linen suit while clambering for forecasts and trends on spitting screens / dowsed in a symphony of shouts, whispers, chattering, secrecy, and insider insights. At this point, following the crowd was the only viable option, so he watched and observed to identify profitable shares. At last, a friendly nod from a fellow broker willing to introduce him to the fundamentals of investments, stocks, and shares.
The Stockbroker – a Poem About Life’s Journey
Yesterday, I invested 53 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 53 minutes and 45 seconds, selecting solid stock like property, gold, along with shares in a number of up-and-coming enterprises, like career inc and dating inc. How do you know they are going to perform for you? I don’t, but both companies look promising, the risk appears minimal. When you invest, you need to calculate the risk, watch trends, and identify winners before anyone else does. Have you ever gambled away a fortune? Sure, many times, but I’m not alone. See that guy over there? He’s the best of the best yet, over the years, he’s swindled and floundered fortunes – I’d say thousands of years, months, weeks, days, minutes, seconds. How do investors still trust him with their money? Because when he gets it right, he makes you stinking rich. You’ll be ok, I must dash.
He turned on his heels and vanished into a swarm of buzzing, sweaty suits, allowing the novice broker to take stock toevaluat e the 87 years, 10 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 27 minutes, and 3 seconds / a decent figure / best divvied up sensibly between duds with hidden potential and dead certs. His portfolio: gold, diamonds, tech-start-up, insurance, finance / the details glowingly passed on to his investor.
You did well, thank you, even though I’m a little disappointed. I thought you’d be brave enough to invest a number of years in people – not riskfree but easily the most breadwinning.
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