summer poem - Song Adrift

Summer Poem – Song Adrift

Song Adrift is a summer poem, a celebration of warm nights, balmy winds, music, and togetherness.

Song Adrift – Summer Poem

Beneath the sky and above the water
songs fly and drift
over meadows and highways
with the wings of a pigeon
who's after devouring
hamburger leftovers
dunked into
the cold water of the
fountain in the centre of town
on a summer's night
when bandits dance /
the meat,
twenty shots later
not rhyming much soakage,
legs slump and entangle
beneath the rhythm and above the song.

  1. This is such a nice, sane poem, and a very accessible read. It evokes hope, and invites one to be…

  2. See All Poetry for a message I just sent you. Its just the Poetry Cooperative website that is jammed and…

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