Black Ice
A flock of snowflakessettles on the pavementPage after page after pageshowdowns, wars, broken glassWhere days ago a stoneburst a bicycle…
I don’t need new thingsI need re-inventing whichMy sister deems impossible My friend saw her ex do.Reinvent: overnight / as…
The wren I pulled from the cat’s mouth last weekclipped wing, off-kilteris pecking a portly worm from a pot of…
I do not know what it is you are mouldingthe light, the weight, the breadthlessness, the vice-scripts.Do show or tell…
Wilderness No More
We retreat from the wilderness, leaving without leaving any part of us within, leaves dropping, raindrops huddling in a hollow.…
The world is full of Love
The world is full of love Go harvest the apples, tend to the trees, learn how to mend a fence…
A stitch in time If I seek out small pebbles on the beach or watch out for rose petals…
The Swell
Anita Alig
the Swell
go slow into the swell: these slipways of love are rolling in, whitecaps, and the ground swells; brick walls brickle,…
Beach Poem – On the Seaweeds’ Scattering
‘On the Seaweed’s Scattering’ is a beach poem, a celebration of beauty and a reflection on everything and everyone having…