The Long Length of Hedging Roses is a together poem, a poem about gifting each other the time and space to be and grow without preconditions, without any rules.
The Long Length of Hedging Roses – Together Poem
In this episode, we gauge before
engaging in yet another bunch of
red velvet roses. You fertilize and I,
I clip and prune, we weigh up the volume,
we size the leaves and petals but not
the thorns. Clay pot, roots bunching,
our fingers have eyes and lips, our
tongues curl water and air, the salt
is the stars, buds foraged
in the mud. On the table,
staling bread and rhubarb jam
but you say melted cheese
stalls decay and capers break
the weight of the clay and I look
over your shoulder toward the
hedge roses, once potted, now
homing thousands of critters
like us. When resting on the lie-lows
beside them, the wind brushes its leaflets and stalks
against our skin, wafting rose oil is
humming an air
over the edge of the clay pot and the jam.
In this episode, the rays’ winning ways
melt our cheese, the freeze knelt
and bees nectar the long length
of the hedging roses. We caper
no longer taper the breadth
of our breath.
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